• "Kom på vandet med Olympiske guldvindere - Warrer & Kirke i nyt samarbejde"


  • "Hvis der var én, som havde skrevet drejebogen til den her historie, ville man have sagt: Det er løgn! Den slags sker ikke", siger Jonas.


  • "We snapped the mast, we go in, we take the Croatian boat," Ibsen said. "We make the start with four seconds (to spare). If we had been four seconds later we wouldn't have been Olympic champions. And then the protest and the postponement of the protest. Everything is just unreal."


  • “That was the best board I’ve ever seen in my life,” Kirketerp said. “Unfortunately it’s probably unbeatable, that feeling in the body. This is definitely something that you can take inspiration from when you’re in a dark place: that it’s not over until it is really, really, really over. Think outside the box and do whatever it takes – within the rules, of course.”
